Dear Editor:
Thank you to the voters of District 1 for your tremendous show of support and vote last week at the polls. I take your groundswell of support as a mandate to be your independent voice on the Representative Town Meeting, to make decisions that best serve your interests, not a political party, and to help lead our town to a bright future.
I have lived in Fairfield nearly my entire life, and I have a deep affection for it, and a strong commitment to our town. I pledge to hold the line on unnecessary spending, advocate for long-term planning solutions, to work in earnest to keep our seniors and retirees in town and to bring transparency to our government. I will be proactive, not reactive.
Thank you very much. Together, we can make our town better than ever.
I look forward to serving you during my term.
Should you have questions or something you would like to discuss, please feel free to call me at 203-424-0024.
Sincerely yours,
David M. Becker