Question: Why am I running for RTM?
Answer: I am not the type that will sit on the sidelines when I encounter an issue. Although there are other methods to be involved with political issues, political office is where I feel that I will best succeed. The Town of Fairfield is where I have lived since I was a child, where most of my immediately family now resides, and where my brother and I both have chosen to start our families. The Town of Fairfield is also the home to our family business where we have and will continue to invest our time, money, and energy. My personal and professional success are both inextricably tied to the success of Fairfield. Over the years I have met some remarkable people who have given the town their all and have done a great job in protecting the interests of the town. I am looking to expand the role that I have played in the past as a citizen running an organization that betters our community. I am hoping to move toward a position that is inside our town government so that I can help bolster the ranks of those whom I believe have been enacting positive change while at the same time protecting the longstanding interests of the Town of Fairfield.