Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Board of Selectman FY11 Budget Votes 3/30/10

Human Resources (Page 71)
Note: These adjustments net out to zero changes.
58920 +$58,000
58930 -$1,558,000
58940 +$1,500,000 (New account - "Risk Management Fund - Workers Comp")

RYSAP (Page 88)
Note: Restored to FY10 allocation.
58500 +9,325

Human Resources (Page 71)
Note: This location would serve as a "catch all" reserve fund for all town agencies for health insurance funding needs.
52100 +$200,000

Human Resources (Page 71)
58920 +$50,000

Finance Department (Page 140)
Note: Funds for Town audit.
53200 +$50,000

Board of Education (Page 250)
58900 -$100,000

Net Increase $209,325
FY11 Budget Total as Amended by BOS $251,288,369

WPCA BUDGET (Page 261-265)
Left unchanged from FY11 proposed.

Item #3 Moved to separate bond as per below.
Item #7 -$140,000 (Removed per DPW recommendation)
Item #4 +$250,000 (Reinstated per DPW recommendation)
Resolution passed as $1,665,000

Item #3 +$1,500,000 (Restored to full $3mil request)
Resolution passed as $3,000,000

Paving +$2,900,000 (Added to CIP request for FY11)
Resolution passed as $2,900,000
Note: It is unclear at this time if paving would be wrapped into the general ($1.6mil) CIP bond.