Sunday, November 14, 2010

Board of Finance FY11 Budget Votes 04/01/10 - Town/WPCA Health Insurance

Board of Finance FY11 Budget Votes 04/01/10

Directory: Town - Revenue

Town - Expenses

WPCA - Expenses

Town/WPCA - Health Insurance

Town Budget - Health Insurance Adjustments

Note: Department name and code are listed. All changes made to object code 52100.

1010 First Selectman +$3,215

1030 Town Clerk +$4,279

1070 Registrar of Voters +$713

1110 TPZ +$4,422

1230 Conservation +$5,705

1330 Human Resources +$2,853

1350 Comm. and Economic Dev +$713

3010 Finance +$5,991

3030 Purchasing +$2,139

3050 Assessor +$4,636

3090 Tax Collector +$4,636

3110 IT +$3,566

4010 Fire +$69,655

4030 Police +$80,588

4050 Animal Control +$2,139

4110 Emergency Management +$235

4150 ECC +$10,697

5011 PW Admin +$2,746

5030 PW Ops +$54,201

5050 Building +$4,992

5070 Engineering +$4,992

6010 Health +$23,534

6050 Human and Social Serv +$806

6070 Solid Waste and Recycling +$1,426

7010 Library +$22,108

7050 Parks and Recreation +$4,279

7111 So. Pine Creek GC +$713

7113 H. Smith Richardson GC +$4,279

Net Increase +$330,258

WPCA Budget - Health Insurance Adjustment

52100 Health Self Insurance +$14,742

Net Increase +$14,742