Board of Finance FY11 Budget Votes 04/01/10
Directory: Town - Revenue
Town - Expenses
WPCA - Expenses
Town/WPCA - Health Insurance
Town Budget - Revenue Adjustments
Interest and Dividends (Page 18)
44001 -$400,000 (Interest and Dividends)
Sale of Town Owned Property (Page 18)
48506 -$500,000 (Sale of Town Owned Property)
General Property Taxes (Page 14)
40010 +$200,000 (Prior Years Levy)
40040 -$70,445 (P.A. 86-178 Phone access lines)
State Grants other than Education (Page 15)
41192 -$36,947 (In Lieu of Taxes - Boats)
41196 +$154,120 (Pilot program non-profit org.)
48202 +$4,596 (Nitrogen Removal Credit)
41131 +27,817 (ECC Enhanced 911)
Charges for Service (Page 15-18)
42312 -$165,000 (Town Clerk - Conveyance Tax)
42351 -$100,000 (Park Dept - Beach Stickers)
42353 -$52,072 (Park Dep - Boat Dockage Fee)
Net Decrease -$937,931